After being thwarted by Covid last year it was fantastic to see 18 regulars and new attendees out in force, for what turned out to be one of the best Club Sailing Days ever!
In glorious sunshine and a favourable breeze, spinnakers were hoisted soon after departing Port Hamble on the outward leg. Fabulous fast sailing ensued, keeping everyone engaged – all the way to Yarmouth IOW.
Once there, guests hopped straight into an historic Land Rover mini-bus provided by The Hut at Colwell Bay, where a sumptuous meal awaited, in a dining room with expansive views over the beach and Solent.
Arriving back in Hamble at 6.45pm (after squeezing every precious minute out of the day ) some were a little tired. But everyone was very happy!
Thanks to Jeremy Needs and Nicola Forgette for organising, once again, this enjoyable day. Also, to those who joined – all in good spirits.
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